Member Login

Returning members use their 2023 credentials. New members will received an email with your Username and Password. Copy these to the Login Form and click LogInButton1.

Once you have logged in, and when the courts are available for booking, you will see two new menu items under Court Booking - Reserve a Court and My Court Bookings.

Reserve A Court

You will see a list of days. 

  • Click on the day that you want to book.
  • Click on the green plus sign GreenPlusfor the time and the Court that you want to reserve.

This will take you to the Reservation Form

  • Fill in your phone number. For subsequent reservations, your number will be filled in.
  • Fill in Player 1, Player 1 Phone, Player 2, Player 2 Phone.
  • If playing Doubles, fill in Partner 1, Partner 1 Phone, Partner 2, Partner 2 Phone. If playing Singles, put "None" in Partner 1 & Partner 2.
  • Confirm that you have read and will comply with the Terms & Conditions by ticking the box.
  • Click on ReserveNowButton1.

A confirmation message will appear on-screen. You will also receive an email with the details of your reservation.

My Court Bookings

You will see a list of all your bookings. To cancel a reservation, click CancelLink1 beside that reservation.

When you have finished, please LogOut on the Login Form.